Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
Great White Egrets
To make it easier to picture the great white egret in the wild, browse the images below.
The great white egret (ardea alba) or great egret can be found in most of the freshwater and saltwater marshes of the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions around the world. You can find it in North, Central, and South America, from lower Canada to Argentina. Usually a resident, it migrates from Canada and the upper United States during the winter.
In flight, the neck of the great whit egret is tucked in and their feet extend backward beyond their short tail. During breeding season a patch of skin at the base of the bill turns a neon green and long, frilly plumes grow from its back.
They eat mainly fish but also eat other small animals, insects and crustaceans as well. you will usually see them hunting in belly deep water, standing still waiting for prey to approach or wading through the shallow water.
The great white egret is the symbol of the National Audubon Society.