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Other Insects

To make it easier to picture the spiders and grasshoppers in the wild, browse the images below.


Orb weaver spiders are widespread and found in the warmer reagions around the world. They are particularly known for the beautiful orb shaped webs that they make which sometines shine golden in the sun. Their silk has not been harvested comercially but enough was harvested to make a shawl.

The eastern lubber grasshopper (romalea microptera) can only be found in the southeastern and south central United States, from central North Carolina west through southern Tennessee, georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana to Texas and all of Florida.

Spotted Orb-Weaver

This spotted orb-weaver had made its web beside the boardwalk in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park.

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Dew Kissed Web

The morning dew has highlighted this web in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park.

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Banana Spider

This golden orb weaver or banana spider was found in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park.

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Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

In late September 2016, this dew covered adult eastern lubber grasshopper was resting on a pickerelweed leaf beside the boardwalk in Tampa, Florida's Lettuce Lake Park in Hillsborough County.

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Back Away Slowly

This Mexican redknee tarantula (Brachypelma smithi) was on a path in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve in Costa Rica. It was amazing how fast the tourists dispersed when they realized what was right there in front of them. They aren't agressive and actually try to avoid human contact.

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