Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
My name is Norman Johnson. Like many of the old generation of photographers, I began with a Kodak box brownie when I was a kid. When I saw what resulted, I was hooked.
Having grown up with an aunt who was a professional artist, I was always exposed to the creative arts. As a result, I have always liked to paint.
Later I went to the Defense Information School at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in 1966 where I got more intensive training in photography and photojournalism and practiced that craft in Vietnam and the United States. I studied with the Famous Artist’s and Famous Photographer’s Schools to help hone my skills.
I study the composition, use of light, contrasts of intensities of color, etc. of artist’s works that catch my eyes to help me hone my skills. I study old and new masters of painting and photography.
I hope you like the images I have chosen. Thank you for visiting my site.