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My name is Norman Johnson. Like many of the old generation of photographers, I began with a Kodak box brownie when I was a kid. When I saw what resulted, I was hooked.


Having grown up with an aunt who was a professional artist, I was always exposed to the creative arts. As a result, I have always liked to paint.


Later I went to the Defense Information School at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in 1966 where I got more intensive training in photography and photojournalism and practiced that craft in Vietnam and the United States. I studied with the Famous Artist’s and Famous Photographer’s Schools to help hone my skills.


I study the composition, use of light, contrasts of intensities of color, etc. of artist’s works that catch my eyes to help me hone my skills. I study old and new masters of painting and photography.


I hope you like the images I have chosen. Thank you for visiting my site.

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