Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
Digital Art
Pictures of various subjects created digitally, for your enjoyment.
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Palmetto And Pine
Palmettos and pines are as much as an integral part of Florida's landscape as palms and beaches. Great swaths of Florida's interior are covered with both palmettos and pines intersprpersed with prairie pasture land. this represents only a small portion of that.
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Brace Yourself
Kitesurfing also called kiteboarding, is an art as it is practiced and how it is portrayed in pictures. Most of the art shows people doing stunts while some shows a surfer and their kite or multiple sufers with their kites.
A kitesurfer uses the power of the wind, harnessed with a large controllable kite that resembles some of the modern parachutes used by skydivers, to be propelled across the water on a kiteboard, that is similar to a wakeboard or small surfboard. The board may or may not have footstraps or bindings.
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Fishing Hole
The great white egret (ardea alba) or great egret can be found in most of the freshwater and saltwater marshes of the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions around the world. You can find it in North, Central, and South America, from lower Canada to Argentina. Usually a resident, it migrates from Canada and the upper United States during the winter. Great white egret fishing in a small pond in Florida.
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