Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
To make it easier to picture the various types of dragonflies in the wild, browse the images below.
The eastern pondhawk (erythemis simplicicollis) is a dragonfly that can be found throughout the United States and Canada east of the Rockies. Look for them around ponds, lakes, ditches, and slow moving streams and rivers.
The slaty skimmer (libellula incesta) is a dragonfly that can be found throughout eastern North America. Look for them around ponds or slow moving streams or rivers with muddy bottoms, often near wooded areas.
The gray-green clubtail dragonfly (arigomphus pallidus) is a dragonfly that can be found throughout the southeastern United States. Look for them around streams, ponds and lakes with sandy bottoms.

Halloween Dragonfly
This halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina, was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. They can be found resting on tall grasses and reeds near ponds, creeks, marshes and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada down to Texas and Mexico.
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Early Halloween
This halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina, was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. They can be found resting on tall grasses and reeds near ponds, creeks, marshes and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada down to Texas and Mexico.
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Pennant Dragonfly
This female four-spotted pennant dragonfly was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Central Florida. It is part of a group of dragonflies referred to as tropical pennants and they can be found around sunny, shallow, sluggish waters, small ponds, marshes and ditches throughout the southern United States, as far west as Arizona and as far north as New Jersey..
The males are blue and the females are orange and they get darker with age.They each have a total of four spots, one on each wing about two thirds of the way to the end. On some the spots are very distinctive while on others they only seem like smudges.
Their favored perches are the ends of stems or branches.
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Celithemis Eponina
This halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina, was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. They can be found resting on tall grasses and reeds near ponds, creeks, marshes and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada down to Texas and Mexico.
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Halloween Pennant Dragonfly
This halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina, was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. They can be found resting on tall grasses and reeds near ponds, creeks, marshes and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada down to Texas and Mexico.
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Four Spotted Dragonfly
This female four-spotted pennant dragonfly was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Central Florida. It is part of a group of dragonflies referred to as tropical pennants and they can be found around sunny, shallow, sluggish waters, small ponds, marshes and ditches throughout the southern United States, as far west as Arizona and as far north as New Jersey..
The males are blue and the females are orange and they get darker with age.They each have a total of four spots, one on each wing about two thirds of the way to the end. On some the spots are very distinctive while on others they only seem like smudges.
Their favored perches are the ends of stems or branches.
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Halloween Pennant
This halloween pennant dragonfly, Celithemis eponina, was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in central Florida. They can be found resting on tall grasses and reeds near ponds, creeks, marshes and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada down to Texas and Mexico.
Click image to see full picture.

Gravida Pennant
This female four-spotted pennant dragonfly was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Central Florida. It is part of a group of dragonflies referred to as tropical pennants and they can be found around sunny, shallow, sluggish waters, small ponds, marshes and ditches throughout the southern United States, as far west as Arizona and as far north as New Jersey..
The males are blue and the females are orange and they get darker with age.They each have a total of four spots, one on each wing about two thirds of the way to the end. On some the spots are very distinctive while on others they only seem like smudges.
Their favored perches are the ends of stems or branches.
Click image to see full picture.

Four-Spotted Pennant Dragonfly
This female four-spotted pennant dragonfly was found beside the Lake Apopka North Shore Wildlife Drive in Central Florida. It is part of a group of dragonflies referred to as tropical pennants and they can be found around sunny, shallow, sluggish waters, small ponds, marshes and ditches throughout the southern United States, as far west as Arizona and as far north as New Jersey..
The males are blue and the females are orange and they get darker with age.They each have a total of four spots, one on each wing about two thirds of the way to the end. On some the spots are very distinctive while on others they only seem like smudges.
Their favored perches are the ends of stems or branches.
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