Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
Other Mammals
To make it easier to picture various animals in the wild, browse the images below.
Raccoons (procyon lotor) are small mammals originally native to the southern Unived States, Mexico and Central American, weighing from four to thirty pounds, with adults averaging about twenty pounds. Like many mammals they tend to be smaller toward the equator and larger the farther away from it. Their range now extends as far north as Canada in North America, down to Panama in Central America. They have been deliberately introduced or released as pets now in Europe, Asia, and Japan, where they have established populations.
The marsh rabbit (sylvilagus palustris) can be found in the eastern and southern United States close to water, both Fresh and brackish. Look for them in marshes, wet prairies and flooded farm fields.
The Florida panther (puma concolor) is a subspecies found throughout Florida and occassionally into south Georgia although all the females are located in south Florida below the Caloosahatchee River. There are only an estimated 100 - 180 adult animals in the wild making them one of the rarest animals in the world.

Christmas Tree Cat
At six months old, Black Jack Johnson is a climber and claimed this Chrismas tree as his own. Knowing that he was a climber we already knew that he was going to do this so we made this the kittens tree. Both he and his sister love to play in the tree.
Click image to see full picture.