Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
Other Swans
To make it easier to picture the various types of swans in the wild, browse the images below.
The coscoroba swan (coscoroba coscoroba) is a native of southern South America, breeding in the freshwater marshs, lagoons, and lake shores of the Chilean Southern Zone, Argentina's Tierra del Fuego, and on the Falkland Islands. It migrates northward to northern Chile and Argentina, Uruguay and the southeastern tip of Brazil during South America's winter.
The black-necked swan (cygnus melancoryphus) is a native of southern South America, breeding in the freshwater marshs, lagoons, and lake shores of the Chilean Southern Zone, Argentina's Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, and on the Falkland Islands. It migrates northward to Paraguay and southern Brazil during South America's astral winter.
The black swan (cygnus atratus) is native to and breeds mainly in the southeastern and southwestern regions of Australia. They prefer fresh, brackish, and salt water lake, swamps and rivers with underwater and emergent vegetation for food and nesting materials. Although they prefer permanent wetlands, they can be also be found in flooded pastures, tidal mudflats and occassionally on the open sea near islands or the shore.