Title: Simmons Sunset
Digital Art
Art by Norman Johnson
Explore St. Augustine, Florida
Fine Art for Home and Office
To make it easier to picture the new world black vulture and the turkey vulture in the wild, browse the images below.
The new world black vulture (coragyps atratus) (not to be confused with the old world black vulture) is a large bird measuring from22" to 29" with a wingspan of between 52" and 66." They range from coast to coast across the southern United States, south through Central and South America to Chile and Argentina.
The turkey vulture (cathartas aura) is a large bird measuring from 24" to 32" in length with a wingspan of 63" to 72." It is called turkey buzzard or just buzzard in some north American areas, and in some parts of the Carribean John crow or carrion crow. The word buzzard is a misnomer because a buzzard is actually a hawk of the buteo family.
Steak Dinner
These New World Black Vultures have found a dead cow to feed on in a pasture in eastern Manatee County, Florida on June 12, 2016, but will have to wait for a predator that is strong enough to break through its tough hide before they will be able to dine.
Click image for full size picture.
A turkey vulture's wing spread in flight as it catches the morning thermals at Tampa Florid'a John Sargent Park on a beautiful November morning, gives one a close look at its structure and helps you understand their ability to soar effortlessly in search of their next meal.
Click image for full size picture.